Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You Kikkawa: Kikka Channel 2

Here is the new episode of the Kikka Channel!!
So this time I will make a short translation of the video.

On November, 29th, You Kikkawa introduced herself to the staff of Universal Music (this is really important for Japanese people to introduce themselves to the whole staff).

Then, she met a famous Japanese band called ET-KING and introduced herself, saying she is singing cheerful songs like idols, so a member just replied they are doing the same thing and everyone laughed!
ET-KING's members told her to do her best and You wondered if she was going to meet other famous artists.

Following this you can see some videos of the press conference of January, 26th, I introduced you some days ago and her comment just at the end of it, saying the press conference is finished, etc.

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. She looks so nervous, but beautiful! It's a matter of time when she can do it fluently. I hope she can know a lot of famous people. n_n)/ Ganbatte Kikka-chan!
    Thanks a lot for the explanation ♥, I could understand it better ☺
